Saturday, December 30, 2006

At work...

C'est moi au taff !!!

Booking conditions


Model rates are applicable to session time only. All usage will be negotiated separately. No half day rates apply to showroom. There is a one-hour minimum on all bookings. Every 15 minutes thereafter is computed into next hour. Length of booking must be specified at time of confirmation, and cannot be shortened after model has accepted booking. (Model must be paid for length specified, even if model is not used for full time.)


If client does not exercise his/her option to release or confirm tentative bookings within 24 hours, the agency reserves the right to cancel the booking, allowing secondary bookings to take precedence. Client or model may cancel tentative bookings at any time at no charge.


All day bookings are computed on an eight consecutive hour day between 9:00 a.m.and 5.30 p.m. Single or multiple bookings, hair, make-up, wardrobe requirements, billing information and any other special requirements must be specified by client when placing definite bookings.


Lion Mgmt holds an open call . Please do not be early or late. Bring any pictures, Polaroids, Comp Cards, and/or portfolio that you may have to open call. You do not have to have any photos to be considered. One of Ikon's bookers will review your pictures on a first-come first-serve basis. We will be open and honest as to your modeling potential with Lion Mgmt. Depending on the outcome of this interview, you will be advised as to whether or not Ikon will be able to represent you as a model/actor.


No consumer products, packages, riser cards, posters, use of model's name, hang tags, package inserts, billboards, points of purchase, displays, etc. can be used before checking and negotiating with agency for rates and conflicts.


Must be negotiated on an individual model basis in advance of booking.


Must be specified at time of booking. First cancellation at half fee with the understanding that the model will be re-booked at full fee within 5 working days. If model arrives at a booking through the clients fault to cancel in time, full fee will be charged. Second cancellations are at full fee.


Overtime rates apply before 9:00 a.m. and after 5:30 p.m., weekends andholidays. Time and one half will be charged unless specific arrangements have been negotiated with the agency prior to the booking. Travel time: half rate will be charged Fittings: negotiated separately at an hourly rate. Preparation time: make-up, hair dressing, styling, etc, charged at full fee.


Cancellations of definite bookings made within two working days prior to such bookings will be charged at half fee. Cancellations made within one working day prior to booking will be charged at full fee. Cancellation of trips, or full week bookings must be made one week prior to booking; otherwise full fee will be charged up to a maximum of three working days.


These rates apply for brief, transparent or translucent articles. One (1) hour minimum time on set. Lingerie and underwear rates are double regular rate. All nudes are triple regular rates. Men's shorts, briefs, underwear like swimwear are also double regular rate. Client must specify type of lingerie at time of booking. Agency must check with model before accepting any lingerie booking. A closed set and private changing room is required.


Models may not sign a photographic release and photographer may not use pictures unless specific arrangements have been made with the agency prior to the test.


Must be negotiated prior to bookings.


No electronic media, world wide web or internet usages will be permitted unlessnegotiated specifically and separately with the agency.


Must be signed by the model and photographer or client at the end of every photographic session. The model must be given three copies and the client will keep one.


There is a twenty percent agency fee on all bookings and usage fees worldwide. A two percent finance charge will be applied on all invoices not paid within 30 days. The use of photographs for any purpose whatsoever is prohibited until all fees have been paid to the agency.


Payment is required within 30 days from the date of invoice on all invoices theperson booking the model will be invoiced and solely responsible for payment unless otherwise agreed in writing at the time of booking. All payments should be sent directly to agency and not through the model.


In order to provide a satisfactory and efficient service to our clients, we ask that any and all complaints be reported to agency during the course of the booking so that the situation can be resolved immediately.

Belles campagnes...

Friday, December 22, 2006


I wish you a merry Xmas & a Happy New Year.Lion models wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas to all! Best wishes and prosperity. Make sure you rest up as next year will be making big splashes! Thanks again for all the support. Bring on 2007!HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007 !
From all of us at Lion Management.... Thanks to all of you for making 2006 so wonderful. We look forward to another prosperous year with you in 2007 ! Please note that our office will be closed between December 30 and January 3.

Monday, December 18, 2006


Renaissance de cette agence sur Singapour et quelques bureaux non loin de la...
"We're just updating! We'll be back soon."

Sunday, December 17, 2006

"Tout travaille,merite recompense"

Real friends always stay connected / les vrais amis restent toujours en contact.

"Qu est ce qui rend tellement exceptionelle une experience qui se vit qu une fois?Chaque individu a une definition profondement personnelle de ce genre d experiences.Pour certains,il s agit de vivre des emotions fortes bourrees d'adrenaline,de tester ses limites ou d aller juqu'au bout du monde.Pour d autres,il est plutot question de faire fusionner le monde connu en de nouvelles combinaisons pour stimuler les sens de façon plus subtile.Nous prenons la leçon d'une vie: comment exister dans l'instant present".

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Envie d'evasion...

Fiscale???Non,ca je le laisse a certaines personnes!!! Mais je ne suis pas contre un p'tit sejour a Helsinki/Finlande.

No comments...

«S’il y en a que cela gêne d’être en France, qu’ils ne se gênent pas pour quitter un pays qu’ils n’aiment pas».Garde tes declarations pour toi...Et va rembourser le redressement de ton Doc et va crecher dans ton chalet...I-mbecile S-ans F-ondement!

Friday, December 15, 2006


Toujours interessant a le consulter...


Mon ami Toni ,s'associe avec la mode Finlandaise..Normal pour un finlandais ;-)

Adrien: Milan

Present dorenavant sur Milan.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Agence a re-demarcher...Il y a du potentiel sur place!!!

Direction Seoul/Coree du Sud...

Des Fevrier prochain et cela pour deux mois!!!
Et je vous evite le passage du harcelement que j ai subi des deux meilleures agences de Singapour le voulant a tout prix!(mort de rires)

Friday, December 08, 2006

Information/Warning :

Il est rappelé que le Groupe Lionmodels Communication est propriétaire à titre exclusif par contrat du droit à l'image de toutes les personnes figurant sur les galeries photos de ce site et que par voie de conséquence le Groupe Lionmodels Communications, interdit d'exploiter, reproduire, publier les photographies en question

Lionmodels Mgmt
[Copyright © 2006 Lionmodels Communications]

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Et une de plus...

Il a dorenavant une agence a Seoul/Coree du Sud...en plus de son futur placement a Londres.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Adrian Snapshot...

A une agence a Londres et a Singapour...

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Lionmodels Mgmt is an event organizer and a model scouting organization bringing a cool and fresh approach to discovering and training talents.

Lion-2: New Face

Adrian nouveau visage...

Friday, December 01, 2006

Important Site Announcement :

Lionmodels Mgmt is temporarily not available because of scheduled maintenance.We apologize for the inconvenience.

Lionmodels Mgmt no esta disponible en estos momentos debido a un mantenimiento rutinario.Le pedimos disculpas por el inconveniente, regrese a la pagina en otro momento. Gracias.

O Lionmodels Mgmt está temporariamente fora do ar para uma manutenção de rotina.Desculpem-nos o transtorno, estamos trabalhando para melhor servi-los, por favor aguarde o retorno. Obrigado.

We really THANK YOU for your patience. We'll be back up soon.Team Lionmodels